Power & Control System Laboratory



Professor Jung-Wook Park


Office School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, C621,
            YONSEI University, 134 Sinchon-dong, Seodaemun-gu, Seoul 120-749, Korea

전화 (02) 2123-5867 / Tel : +82-2-2123-5867
팩스 (02)
E-mail jungpark@yonsei.ac.kr

  • 1993 ~ 1999
    (Summa Cum Laude) Department of Electrical Engineering, Yonsei University, Seoul, Korea.


  • 1999 ~ 2000
    MSECE. School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, USA.
  • 1999 ~ 2003
    Ph.D. School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, USA.
  • 2003~ 2004
    Post-Doctoral Research Associate, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Wisconsin-Madison,
  • 2004~ 2005
    Senior Research Engineer, LG Electronics Inc., Korea.
  • 2005~ 2010
    Assistant professor, School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Yonsei University, Seoul, Korea.
  • 2010~ 2015
    Associate professor, School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Yonsei University, Seoul, Korea.
  • 2015~ present
    Professor, School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Yonsei University, Seoul, Korea.


  • 01. 2024 

    Official Nominator of the VinFuture Prize (www.vinfutureprize.org;)

    [Official Youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCxWFmwlcm0PaI8uodiQFZfQ]


  • 01. 2024 - 현재 

    전력전자학회 직선 평의원


  • 12. 2023  

    미국 스탠포드대학교/Elsevier 발표 - 세계 Top 2% 과학자 선정


  • 11. 2019 - 10. 2022

    Project Manager (Review Board), Power technology/machine area, Division of ICT and Convergence Research, National Research Foundation (NRF) of



  • 12. 2021

    미국 스탠포드대학교/Elsevier 발표 - 세계 Top 2% 과학자 선정


  • 01. 2021

    Editor, International Transactions on Electrical Energy Systems (ITEES)


  • 01. 2021
    Editor, Journal of Electrical Engineering & Technology (JEET)


  • 05. 2020
    한국연구재단 리더연구자 선정 (단독 72억/9년) - 에너지 대전환 전력망 연구단 


  • 01. 2020
    연세대학교 2019학년도 우수업적교수상(연구부문) 수상 


  • 11. 2019
    2019년 한국전력공사 사외공모 연구 우수 연구과제 선정
  • 10. 2019
    대한전기학회 특별상 (IPST-International Conference on Power System Transients 학술상)
  • 08. 2019
    Editorial Board Member of the journal Energies (SCIE-Impact Factor 2018: 2.707)
  • 08. 2018
    산업통상자원부 장관상 (신기술부문)

  • 12. 2016
    대한전기학회 2016년도 학술상 수상
  • 01. 2016
    연세대학교 2015학년도 우수업적교수상(연구부문) 수상
  • 03. 2015
    Technical Program Committee Member / Invited Talk in Panel of IEEE Power Systems Conference (PSC) 2015, clemson, USA, March 2015
  • 01. 2015
    연세대학교 2014학년도 우수업적교수상(연구부문) 수상
  • 12. 2014
    Symposium Chair of 2014 IEEE Symposium on Computational Intelligence Applications in Smart Grid
  • 12. 2014
    미래창조과학부 장관 표창상
    - 한국연구재단 전자정보융합단 2014년 우수성과 창출 연구자 선정
  • 08. 2014
    한국과학기술한림원 2014년 한림선도과학자 선정
  • 06. 2014 - 05. 2015
    대한전자공학회 간선 평의원
  • 01. 2014 - 현재
    대한전기학회 직선 평의원
  • 12. 2013
    한국과학기술한림원/미래창조과학부, 제17회 젊은과학자상 대통령상(제1군-전기, 전자, IT분야) 수상
  • 07. 2013
    Oral Session Chair of 2013 International Smart Grid Conference & Exhibition (ISGC&E 2013), JeJu, July 2013
  • 04. 2013
    Symposium Chair of 2013 IEEE Symposium on Computational Intelligence Applications in Smart Grid
  • 12. 2012
    대한전자공학회 해동상(젊은 공학인상) 수상
  • 06. 2011
    Editor, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON SMART GRID (Special Issue on Computational Intelligence Applications in Smart Grids)
  • 12. 2010
    대한전기학회 박영문 학술상 수상
  • 09. 2009
    Senior Member of the IEEE
  • 06. 2009
    Program Committee Member for IEEE 2009 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN 2009), Atlanta, GA, USA.
  • 01. 2009
    Vice Chair (Intelligent Systems Technical Applications Committee) of IEEE Computational Intelligence Society (CIS) Task Force on Power System Applications
  • 10. 2008
    IEEE Industry Applications Society (IAS) Best Reviewer Award.
  • 07. 2008
    Best Presentation Paper Award from the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, “Optimal Tuning of Saturation Limiter of a Series FACTS device”, IEEE International Conference on Industrial Informatics.
  • 07. 2008
    Best Presentation Paper Award from the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, “Nonlinear Parameter Neuro-Estimation for Optimal Tuning of Power System Stabilizers”, IEEE International Conference on Industrial Informatics.
  • 11. 2007
    Recorded in 2007-2008 Edition of Marquis Who's Who in the World (World leading biographical profile), USA.
  • 08. 2007
    Named as TOP 100 SCIENTISTS 2007 in IBC (International Biographical center), Cambridge, England.
  • 03. 2007
    Recorded in 2007 Edition of Outstanding Scientists of the 21ST Century Award [Inaugural Edition], IBC (International Biographical center), Cambridge, England.
  • 05. 2006
    Recorded in 2006-2007 Edition of Marquis Who's Who in Science and Engineering (World leading biographical profile), USA.
  • 05. 2005
    Technical Co-Chair, Power Systems and Power Electronic Circuits Committee, IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS), Kobe, Japan, May 2005 - IEEE Circuits and Systems Society.
  • 10. 2003
    Second Prize Paper Award from the IEEE Industry Applications Society (IAS), Industrial Automation and Control Committee, 2003 (paper: “Adaptive Critic Based Optimal Neurocontrol for Synchronous Generator in Power System Using MLP/RBF Neural Networks”, IEEE Transaction on Industry Applications, Vol. 39, pp. 1529-1540, September/October).
  • 10. 2003
    IEEE Industry Applications Society (IAS) Zucker Grant Award for IEEE IAS Annual Meeting 2003 Conference.
  • 08. 2003 - 08. 2004
    2nd 2003 Studying Abroad Scholarship Award of KwanJeong LeeJongHwan Scholarship Foundation (관정 이종환 장학재단), (the largest scholarship foundation in Korea), Korea: (selected as Post-Doctoral Research Associate).
  • 07. 2003
    IEEE Power Engineering Society (PES) Grant Award for IEEE PES General Meeting 2003 Conference.
  • 07. 2003
    IEEE Neural Networks Society (NNS) Grant Award for IEEE IJCNN 2003 Conference.
  • 08. 2002 - 08. 2003
    1st 2002 Studying Abroad Scholarship Award of KwanJeong LeeJongHwan Scholarship Foundation (관정 이종환 장학재단) (the largest scholarship foundation in Korea), Korea: (selected as Ph.D. student).
  • 05. 2002
    IEEE Neural Networks Society (NNS) Grant Award for IEEE WCCI (IJCNN) 2002 Conference.
  • 03. 1998
    Army Achievement Medal (AAM) and Prize from 2nd BDE Commander, U.S. Army, Korea: U.S. Army, S-5 (Civil Affairs), Korea, Mandatory duty for military service (01. 1996 - 03. 1998), KATUSA (9602, 중앙선발), [MOS: Interpreter/Translator for civil affairs].
  • 08. 2018
    Guest Editor, Energies (Special Issue on Power Grid on Energy Great Transition with High Penetration of Renewable Energies) 
  • 03. 2015
    Technical Program Committee Member / Invited Talk in Panel of IEEE Power Systems Conference (PSC) 2015, clemson, USA, March 2015 
  • 12. 2014
    Symposium Chair of 2014 IEEE Symposium on Computational Intelligence Applications in Smart Grid 
  • 07. 2013
    Oral Session Chair of 2013 International Smart Grid Conference & Exhibition (ISGC&E 2013), JeJu, July 2013 
  • 04. 2013
    Symposium Chair of 2013 IEEE Symposium on Computational Intelligence Applications in Smart Grid 
  • 07. 2012
    Tutorial Lecturer of IEEE PES PowerAfrica Conference 2012, Johannesburg, South Africa (Title : Implementation of PV Based Energy Management System) 
  • 06. 2012
    2012 IEEE Congress on Computational Intelligence, June 10-15, 2012, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia, Special Session Chair "Computational Intelligence in Smart Grids and Micro- grids"
  • 01. 2012 - 12. 2014
    Associate Editor, Journal of Electrical Engineering & Technology(JEET)
  • 06. 2011
    Editor, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON SMART GRID (Special Issue on Computational Intelligence Applications in Smart Grids)
  • 01. 2010 - 12. 2010
    대한전기학회 전력기술부문회 학술이사
  • 09. 2009
    Senior Member of the IEEE
  • 01. 2009 - present
    Vice Chair (Intelligent Systems Technical Applications Committee) of IEEE Computational Intelligence Society (CIS) Task Force on Power System Applications
  • 10. 2008
    IEEE Industry Applications Society Annual Meeting 2008, Session Organizer (Industry Automation & Control Committee)
  • 01. 2007 - present
    Editor, the Korean Institute of Electrical Engineers (대한전기학회지 본부 편집위원, 전기학회논문지 편집위원)
  • 08. 2006 - 12. 2008
    Member (Representative in East Asia) of IEEE Computational Intelligence Society (CIS) Task Force on Power System Applications
  • 01. 2006 - present
    Senior committee member of Electric Safety Research subcommittee (전기안전연구위원회), Electric Power Industry R&D National Project (전력산업연구개발국책사업), Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Energy (산업자원부)
  • 09. 2005 - present
    Member of IEEE PES Power System Analysis, Computing and Economics, Intelligent Systems subcommittee. (Member of IEEE PES Task Force for Intelligent Control Systems)
  • 08. 2003 - 07. 2004
    Member of IEEE PES Task Force for the benchmark system on Global Dynamic Optimization, IEEE PES Power System Dynamic Performance Committee.
  • 2003 - present
    Technical Papers Reviewer:
    IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications
    IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks
    IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics
    IEEE IAS (Industry Applications Society) Annual Meeting
    IEEE Industrial Electronics Conference (IECON)
    IEEE International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN)
  • 2002 - present
    IEEE Member Member / Senior Member (2009.09 - present),
    IEEE Power Engineering Society (PES) Member,
    IEEE Industry Electronics Society (IES) Member,
    IEEE Industry Applications Society (IAS) Member,
    IEEE Computational Intelligence society (CIS) Member,
    IEEE Circuits and Systems Society (CAS)

03722 서울특별시 서대문구 연세로 50, 연세대학교 공과대학 전기전자공학부

행정실: C725 / TEL: 02-2123-4631
연구실 A: C727 / TEL: 02-2123-7839
연구실 B: 공학원 320A / TEL: 02-2123-8290
E-mail : jungpark@yonsei.ac.kr (교수님 연구실 : 02-2123-5867)



ADMINISTRATION OFFICE: C725 / TEL: +82-2-2123-4631
OFFICE A:C727 / TEL: +82-2-2123-7839
OFFICE B:ERC320A / TEL: +82-2-2123-8290